Звук ОМ произносится так же как в слове ДОМ. начните с глубокого вдоха но не заполняйте лёгкие до предела. Затем глубоким полным голосом произнесите звук О-О-О...... ваша челюсть должна быть наполовину открыта. Губы должны быть закруглены, язык втянут и находиться в нижней части рта, но приподнят у основания. Удержите звук О-О-О... в течение 5 секунд. Затем, продолжая звук, закройте и расслабьте челюсть и губы, расслабьте язык ,приведя его в плоское положение, при этом формируя звук.
М-М-М.... удержите его в течении 10 секунд. При звуке О-О-О вы должны чувствовать резонанс голоса в груди, при звуке М-М-М резонанс голоса должен чувствоваться в носу. Если всё сделано правильно, два звука образуют созвучье в одном продолжительном звуке О-О-О-М-М-М-М....... . По завершении расслабьтесь, сделайте 1-2 глубоких вздоха прежде, чем повторить снова. Трёх - четырёх раз подряд будет вполне достаточно.
The sound of AUM is the sound of creation also known as a Vibhuti of Paramatama, for the purpose of the creation of the material universes. The symbol of AUM known as Nada Shiva is a non- sectarian universal symbol for all.
AUM provides consciousness to unlimited universes. The symbol of 0Mkar is representing total creation, all the creators, and Paramatama Lord Krishna. The AUM is Vedic word. By uttering it, one can get spirituals, material, mental, and physical benefits. One can get self- realization by chanting AUM under spiritual guidance of Satgurudev.
By chanting AUM with pranayam and meditating on the most beautiful face of Lord Krishna with the unconditional love, may lead the devotee to mukti, Param Gati and devotion (Gita-8: 13).
Why the rishies, munies, had drawn the symbol of AUM, as it is now? In addition, what is the significance of it?
AUM has three Matras (Powers), A. [v], U. [m], M. [e]. A” represents the maintainer Lord Vishnu, Satavik Ahankar,
Middle stage (Sleep/dormant stage), Sustenance.
“U ”represents the creator Brahmaji, the beginning, the creation, and rajas Ahankar (Passive mood), Awaking stage.
"M” represents Mahesh/ Shankar, [destroyer] Dream stage, Tamas Ahankar (Ignorance mood) Annihilation.
These three matras had combined and created AUM “ “ (Nad Shiv or Sound Brahma). It had created Brahmandakash.” “ Represents Avyakta Brahma, (Golokinath Krishna, Avyakta universe, great Vibhuties, e.g. Lord Sri ram, Lord Sadashiva, Lord Pranav Brahma, Vedas, Lord Omkar, Lord Nad Shiv & Lord Shiv etc), and Seven Great Voids.” “Half moon shape represents Akshardham and Akshar Brahma (Baby Krishna), Brahma Swarups and their divine abodes, ”O” Bindu (Dot) represents Chidakash, Paramadham, Paramatama Krishna, Parabrahma Shrusti and Brahmatmas.
This shape of Omkar “ “ Can be understand deeper in four sections separately as follow.
(1) AUM or Vyakta Brahmand ” “
(2) Avyakta universe ” “
(3) Parmeshwari (Ishawaria universe, or Akshar Dham, ” “. (4) Paramadham, Parabrahma shrusti (universe), or ” O ”.
The upper Portion of AUM” “had created by the Satavik Gunna. It has Karanodak Ocean (Mohajal/illusory Energy#14). It is the divine abode of Lord Narayana (#14) in Brahmandakash ( ) Lord Narayana is supreme Bhagawan (God) of Brahmandakash (#14). Souls with sat karma (good deeds) go to the heavens according to their qualities and categories of Karamas and devotions.
Lord Mahavishnu had expanded in to Chatush pads (Four Levels), (A) Mahakarn level (B) Karan level (c) Suksham level (D) Sthul level.
(A) Mahakarn level: --- Lord Mahavishnu had expanded into four personalities (Chatush Vyuha) as follow: ---
(1) Vasudev
(2) Sankarshan (3) Anirudhra
(4) Padhyumana,
(B) Karan level Lord Mahavishnu had also expanded and created Seven Voids (#15) in Karan level.
(c) Suksham level: -- Mahattava or cosmos (#16) (Gita; 14-3).
(D) Sthul level: -- Vashti Gayatri (#17), Vashti Jyoti (#18). Astavaran or Eight Layers of eight Tattva (#19),
& Seven heavens (#21): --.
(1) Half Jambu Island
(2) Bhuva /Pitrulok “(E)”
(3) Swargalok “D”
(4) Maharlok “C”
(5)” Janlok #“B“
(6) Tapahlok, ”A”
(7) Satya lok-- (Lord Vishnu-- Vashti Vaikuntha, Lord Brahmaaji--- Brahma-Puri, Lord Sanker--Kailash).
Middle Portion of AUM “ “represents Rajas Ahankar, it create Jambu Island, (#25), other seven oceans and Seven Islands. Earth (#25), mountain Sumeru, Land of gold, and Land of Loka Lok etc, are in Jambu Island. (Ref-book -V.P.D).
Lower Portion of AUM” “represents Tamasik Gunna, it create the seven Patal loks (#22) are as follows- (1) Atal (2) Vital (3) Sutal (4) Talatal (5) Rasatal (6) Mahatal (7) Patal Lok. Hells are located at Patal Lok #24.There is Garbhodak Ocean at Patal Loks, where Lord Shesh Narayana #23 resides and take care of seven Patal Loks. Sri Gita explains migration (Gati) of soul after death and supports the above statements in Ch-- 14:18.
End Part of lower portion of AUM “ “# 26, is considers as the area of good souls. In the Christianity, it is call “Hide” (resting place before heaven), from where these “Tamasik Tapasavis” souls, may further travel towards supreme abode of Lord Krishna (Paramdham), if they attain Taratam Gyana and mercy.
In addition, liberated souls may travel from Heavens, Patals, and Jambu islands towards Paramdham by karmic Gati (like ladder) or Bihang Gati. These souls could fly, travel or resides at divine places for the designated time period, in the Brahmandakash (Material world), or may enter to Avyakta universe (spiritual world). By the association of Brahma- Ataman or by mercy of Lord Krishna these souls may attain supreme devotion (Para bhakti) of Parabrahma Krishna and may migrate to Paramadham by Bihang Gati (like a flying bird), or may go to Avyakta universe or Ishawaria universe of Lord Akshar Brahma.
Whole area in the symbol of AUM, the portion look like this “ “is known as Brahmandakash. Maya had created it by three Gunas. Lila (Play of Lord Krishna) perform in Brahmandakash is “Jagani Lila.”
There are three type of devotions are as follow : --
(1) Sagunna Bhakti (Clasified in 9 categaries) (2) Niraguna Bhakti (Clasified in 8 categaries) (3) Prema Bhakti (Para Bhakti is supreme & exclusive love devotion for Paramatama sir Krishna).
Devotee may first start Sakam Bhakti of Devatas (Demi gods) or Sri Krishna (With desire of reward of devotions), than slowly, slowly enters in to Nisakam Bhakti (no desire of reward of devotions) and finally by true love & mercy of Lord Sri Krishna devotee may have Prema Bhakti,(Love devotion).
In the symbol of AUM the portion shaped like this,” “ represent Avyakta universe (Adi prakruti or Vibhuti shrusti). The Supreme Godhead in Avyakta universe at Goloka Dham (#8) is Avyakta Krishna in Paramakash.
Avyakta Purush Sri Krishna expanded himself at four levels in the Paramakash are as follows:
(I) Mahakarn level has (A). Goloka Dham (#8) is the divine abode of Avyakta Purush Krishna and Shree Radhaji.
(B) Vaikuntha Dham (#9) has Five Islands, --(1) Satlok (ShriRam), (2) Param VishnuIsland (ParamVishnu) (3) Svet Island (4) Pushkar Island (c) Island of Devi Sumangala.(Padam Puran & Mahabharat).
(II) Karan level-- has the seven great voids # 10 and Manipurdham. Mahamaya (#34) has created many divine abode known as Shunya- Shila Dhams. She will hold those librated souls (Atama Gyani) who came here by Kramic Gati and Tapashya (austerities), but they are not exclusive lovers of Paramatama Krishna and may be the worshiper of formless god. [(Mayadevi or Brahma Jyoti or Energy of Lord Krishna (Gita-7: 14)].
(III) Sukshma Level-Kal Niranjan Purush. (Sada Shiva #11.) Kal Maya #11A
(IV) Sthul Level- has (a) Pranav Brahma (Brahma Shiva)#12A, (b) Gayatri Devi and Vedas, #12B (c) Omkar (Samasti Jyoti Swarup, #13A (d) AUM #13B, (e) Shiva, #13C (f) Maya Devi, #33.