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Гаятри-мантра - это мантра всех мантр. Это универсальная мантра во всех отношениях. Гаятри - это мать Вед, уничтожитель всех грехов. Как утверждают йоги, ни на земле, ни на небесах нет ничего, очищающего сильнее, чем гаятри. Она ниспосылает великолепное здоровье, красоту, активность, жизненную и магическую силу. Она очищает карму, исцеляет физиологические и психологические недуги, избавляет от неудачи помогает достичь победы над жизненными невзгодами. Гаятри очищает ум, ниспосылает восемь сиддх (паранормальные способности), делает человека сильным и разумным.
Покровительствующее божество гаятри-мантры - Савитри. Поэтому ее еще называют Савитри гаятри-мантрой.
Гаятри-мантру следует совершать трижды: утром, днем и вечером. Повторенная трижды в день, она приносит великое благо и освобождение.
Человек может повторять в уме гаятри-мантру в любых положениях - сидя, на ходу и даже лежа.
В гаятри-мантре есть пять основных пауз, а именно: после ОМ//БХУР БХУВАХ СВАХА//ТАТ САВИТУР ВАРЕНЬЯМ/БХАРГО ДЕВАСЬЯ ДХИМАХИ//ДХИЙО ЙО//НАХ ПРАЧОДАЯТ. Повторяя эту мантру, следует в каждом из обозначенных мест выдерживать небольшую паузу.
Перевод: 'Мы медитируем на великолепие Ишвары, сотворившего Вселенную, достойного поклонения, воплощающего знания и свет, устраняющего всяческие грехи и невежество. Да просветит он наш разум'.
ОМ - звуковая вибрация, лежащая в основе Творения. Символ Брахмана и Ишвары.
БХУР - Бхур-лока. Земной план существования. Соотносится с земным миром, плотной материей и Брамой.
БХУВАХ - Бхувар-лока. Тонкий план существования, соотносится с тонким миром, тонкой материей и с Вишну.
СВАХА - Свар-лока. Небесный план существования, соотносится с Божественным миром и с Махешварой.
ТАТ - "То". Высшая реальность.
САВИТУР - "Савитара". Животворящая сила, скрытая в Солнце.
ВАРЕНЬЯМ - "Желанного". Достойный поклонения, желанный.
БХАРГО - "Свет Божественного Сознания". Сияние, Духовная Лучезарность.
ДЭВАСЬЯ - "Божественный". Лучезарный, Дарующий Милость".
ДХИМАХИ - "Медитируем". Созерцаем.
ДХИЙО - "Буддхи". Духовный Разум.
ЙО - "Который".
НАХ - "Наш".
ПРАЧОДАЯТ - "Да озарит!". Да дарует просветление!
Вольный перевод Гаятри Мантры
(ОМ) ОМ (ДХИМАХИ) Мы медитируем (БХАРГО) на Духовную Лучезарность (ВАРЕНЬЯМ ДЭВАСЬЯ) Этой Восхитительной Высшей Божественной Реальности (САВИТУР) Источник (БХУР, БХУВА, СУВАХА) Физической, Астральной и Небесной Сфер Существования. (ТАТ) Пусть Та Высшая Божественная Сущность (ПРАЧОДАЯТ) просветит (ЙО) который (НАХ) наш (ДХЙО) разум (чтобы мы могли осознать Высшую Истину).
Гаятри Мантра исполняет все желания того, кто повторяет её правильно.
Гаятри Мантру нужно повторять перед рассветом, в полдень и после заката. Эти периоды времени - это точка встречи ночи и дня, утра и вечера, дня и ночи. Эти периоды времени благотворны для духовных практик.
The Gayatri Mantra is a universal prayer enriched in the Vedas. Gayatri Mantra is also known as Savitri Mantra, which addressed to the Imma- nent and Transcendent Divine which has been given the name “Savita,” meaning that from which all this is born. It was discovered by Sage Viswamitra. He also revealed the benefits of chanting Gayatri mantra.
The mantra is a significant part of the Upanayana Ceremony for young males in the Hindu dharma and has long been chanted by Dvija men as part of their daily rituals. Modern Hindu refine the movements and spread the practice of the mantra to include women and all castes too, and its use is now prevalent. It is especially regarded for Adoration, Meditation, and Prayer.
Meaning of Gayatri Mantra
The Gayatri Mantra first appeared in the Rig Veda, an early Vedic text written between 1100 to 1700 BCE. It is stated in the Upanishads as a sig- nificant ritual and in the Bhagavad Gita as, the poem of the Divine. It is a belief that chanting Gayatri Mantra firmly establishes the mind and if people carry on his-her life and do the work that is destined, our life will be full of joy and happiness. In brief, the mantra means:
O thou existence Absolute, Creator of the three dimen- sions, we contemplate upon thy divine light. May He stimulate our intellect and bestow upon us true knowledge.
In simpler terms:
O Divine mother, our hearts are filled with darkness. Please make this darkness distant from us and promote illumination within us.
The First Word “OM” – ॐ
It is also called Pranav because the sound of ‘Om’ or ‘AUM’ comes from the Prana (Vital Vibration), which feels the Universe. The scripture says “Aum Iti Ek Akshara Brahman” (Aum that one syllable is Brahman). It is the sum and substance of all the words that can emanate from the hu- man throat. It is the primordial fundamental sound symbolic of the Uni- versal Absolute.
The Vyahrities – Bhur, Bhuvah, Svah
The above three words of the Gayatri, which literally means “past,” “present,” and “future,” are called Vyahrities. Vyahriti is that which gives knowledge of the entire cosmos or “ahriti”. The scripture says: “Vishesh- enh Aahritih sarva viraat, praahlaanam prakashokaranh vyahritih”. Thus, by uttering these three words, the person who chants it contemplates the Glory of God that illumines the three worlds or the regions of experience.
The Remaining Words
Here is the individual meanings of the rest of the words from the mantra:
• Tat – In simpler term, it means “that”, because it stated description through speech or language, the “Ultimate Reality.”
• Savitur – “Divine Sun” (The ultimate light of wisdom)
• Varenium – “Adore”
• Bhargo – “Illumination”
• Devasya – “Divine Grace”
• Dheemahi – “We Contemplate”
• Dhi – “Intellect”
• Yo–“Who”
• Nah – “Ours”
• Prachodayat – “Requesting/Urging/Praying”
There are numerous benefits of chanting Gayatri mantra. Thus, here are some of the positive effects of chanting Gayatri Mantra.
1. It increases learning power.
2. It increases concentration.
Recommended - 5 Devi Bhairavi Mantras To Chant In Her Name
3. It brings prosperity.
4. It gives people eternal power.
5. It is very useful for peace.
6. It is the first step to go to the way of the spiritual road.
7. It is correlated with God.
8. It strengthens the mind and improves the health condition.
9. It improves the rhythmic pattern of breathing.
10. It keeps our hearts healthy.
11. It protects the devotee from all the dangers and guides towards the Divine by intuition.
12. It improves our family life.
How to Chant Gayatri Mantra?
Chanting Gayatri Mantra has many benefits. However, there is a certain process of chanting them. Thus, it is highly advisable that people should follow certain rules while chanting the Gayatri Mantra. While chanting the Gayatri Mantra, you should always close the eyes and should try to concentrate on every word and understand their meaning. Each word or even the sound should be uttered correctly, as it should be. Al-
though it can be chanted at any time of the day, it is suggested that it is better to chant the mantra, early in the morning as well as at the night before sleeping.
Eventually, the mantra is an expression of gratitude, to both the life-giv- ing Sun and the Divine. It boosted devotee taking a heart-centered ap- proach to the mantra. The sensibility it awakes is more significant than the literal meaning. It’s an offering, a way to open to grace, to inspire oneself.
The mantra is a significant part of the Upanayana Ceremony for young males in the Hindu dharma and has long been chanted by Dvija men as part of their daily rituals. Modern Hindu refine the movements and spread the practice of the mantra to include women and all castes too, and its use is now prevalent. It is especially regarded for Adoration, Meditation, and Prayer.
Meaning of Gayatri Mantra
The Gayatri Mantra first appeared in the Rig Veda, an early Vedic text written between 1100 to 1700 BCE. It is stated in the Upanishads as a sig- nificant ritual and in the Bhagavad Gita as, the poem of the Divine. It is a belief that chanting Gayatri Mantra firmly establishes the mind and if people carry on his-her life and do the work that is destined, our life will be full of joy and happiness. In brief, the mantra means:
O thou existence Absolute, Creator of the three dimen- sions, we contemplate upon thy divine light. May He stimulate our intellect and bestow upon us true knowledge.
In simpler terms:
O Divine mother, our hearts are filled with darkness. Please make this darkness distant from us and promote illumination within us.
The First Word “OM” – ॐ
It is also called Pranav because the sound of ‘Om’ or ‘AUM’ comes from the Prana (Vital Vibration), which feels the Universe. The scripture says “Aum Iti Ek Akshara Brahman” (Aum that one syllable is Brahman). It is the sum and substance of all the words that can emanate from the hu- man throat. It is the primordial fundamental sound symbolic of the Uni- versal Absolute.
The Vyahrities – Bhur, Bhuvah, Svah
The above three words of the Gayatri, which literally means “past,” “present,” and “future,” are called Vyahrities. Vyahriti is that which gives knowledge of the entire cosmos or “ahriti”. The scripture says: “Vishesh- enh Aahritih sarva viraat, praahlaanam prakashokaranh vyahritih”. Thus, by uttering these three words, the person who chants it contemplates the Glory of God that illumines the three worlds or the regions of experience.
The Remaining Words
Here is the individual meanings of the rest of the words from the mantra:
• Tat – In simpler term, it means “that”, because it stated description through speech or language, the “Ultimate Reality.”
• Savitur – “Divine Sun” (The ultimate light of wisdom)
• Varenium – “Adore”
• Bhargo – “Illumination”
• Devasya – “Divine Grace”
• Dheemahi – “We Contemplate”
• Dhi – “Intellect”
• Yo–“Who”
• Nah – “Ours”
• Prachodayat – “Requesting/Urging/Praying”
There are numerous benefits of chanting Gayatri mantra. Thus, here are some of the positive effects of chanting Gayatri Mantra.
1. It increases learning power.
2. It increases concentration.
Recommended - 5 Devi Bhairavi Mantras To Chant In Her Name
3. It brings prosperity.
4. It gives people eternal power.
5. It is very useful for peace.
6. It is the first step to go to the way of the spiritual road.
7. It is correlated with God.
8. It strengthens the mind and improves the health condition.
9. It improves the rhythmic pattern of breathing.
10. It keeps our hearts healthy.
11. It protects the devotee from all the dangers and guides towards the Divine by intuition.
12. It improves our family life.
How to Chant Gayatri Mantra?
Chanting Gayatri Mantra has many benefits. However, there is a certain process of chanting them. Thus, it is highly advisable that people should follow certain rules while chanting the Gayatri Mantra. While chanting the Gayatri Mantra, you should always close the eyes and should try to concentrate on every word and understand their meaning. Each word or even the sound should be uttered correctly, as it should be. Al-
though it can be chanted at any time of the day, it is suggested that it is better to chant the mantra, early in the morning as well as at the night before sleeping.
Eventually, the mantra is an expression of gratitude, to both the life-giv- ing Sun and the Divine. It boosted devotee taking a heart-centered ap- proach to the mantra. The sensibility it awakes is more significant than the literal meaning. It’s an offering, a way to open to grace, to inspire oneself.